Thank you and welcome to vannön life!

For real though - a HUGE thank you for checking out my music and taking the time to sign up!!
Moments after you landed here - you should be getting a little *ding* from you mailbox...
...that'd be from me, sending you the first of several emails delivering on my promise of giving you all of those behind scenes goodies 🫣
So if you have time now, go check it out and dig in...
Otherwise, it will always be there waiting for you... and more will be quickly to follow so that you can find out all about how this brand new record came to be!
Thanks again so much for making that step, offering your support, and so excited to share all of this new music and content with you!!
You're awesome.
❤️ case vannön
P.S. - I wanted to give a little extra thank you if you feel like you want to check out some new merch 👇 🤷‍♂️

Custom Image

I Grabbed the Free CD but I'd want a coupon for some more merch!!

As a THANK YOU for signing up I want to give you a coupon code to get something good on the site for 25% off!
Use Coupon Code: vannonlife25 and get yourself 25% off!
Again, thanks so much for signing up and hope you find something you like in the store!